H.M. Emperor
K'ang-hsi [Shêng Tsu Jên Huang Ti], had further issue:
6) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Chang-hoa. b.
and d. 21st May 1674 (s/o
Jung Fei).
7) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-jeng [Mi], 1st
Prince Li (Li Ho Shê Ch'in Wang). b.
16th June 1674 (s/o Empress
Hsiao Ch'eng Hsuan-ye), educ. privately.
Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of HuangT'aiTzu on 26th January
1676, publically degraded for tyranny, brutality
and debauchery 17th October 1708,
restored 19th April 1709, removed
again for insanity 30th October 1712,
and placed in perpetual confinement 1714. Acted
as Regent for his father 1696 and 1697. m.
eleven wives and concubines, including, Lady Shi
(d. 1718). He d. in prison, 27th
January 1727, having had issue, six sons and at
least six daughters:
H.H. Prince Hung-hsi, 1st
Prince Kung (Kung Ho Shê Ch'in Wang)
and 2nd Prince Li (Li ToLoChünWang), educ.
privately. Granted the title of Li ToLoChünWang 17th
January 1723, and prom. to the title of Kung
with the rank of Ho Shê Ch'in Wang
13th July 1730. Degraded,
expelled from the Imperial Family and
imprisoned by Emperor Kao-t'sung.
H.H. Prince (Fêng Ên Fu Kuo Kung)
Hung-yen [K'o-hi].
H.H. Prince (Yuan Fêng Fêng Ên Fu
Kuo Kung) Hung-tiao.
H.H. Prince Hung-wei, 3rd
Prince Li (Li ToLoChünWang).
H.H. Prince (Fêng Ên Fu Kuo Kung)
Princess Shu-shen (Ho Shê Shu-shen
Kung Chu) (sixth daughter). Adopted
by Emperor Shih-tsung. m. 1726,
Kuang-Yin-Pao, of the Borjigit clan of
Korchin Mongols.
8) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Chang-ch'eng. b.
13th August 1675 (s/o Jung Fei).
He d. 27th April 1677.
9) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Wan-fu. b.
24th November 1675 (s/o T'ung Pin).
He d. 11th March 1679.
Lieutenant-General H.H. Prince (HuangTzu)
Yin-chih [Yin], 1st Prince Ch'eng (Ch'eng
ToLoPeiLê). b.
23rd March 1677 (s/o Jung Fei),
educ. privately. Granted the title of ToLoChünWangCh'eng
1698, demoted to ToLoPeiLê
1699, restored to ToLoChünWang 1709, degraded 1728, restored and
demoted again 8th July 1730.
Imprisoned at the Yong-ngan Palace on King-chan
mountain. Lt-Gen. Bordered Red Banner Corps 1696,
Guardian of the Ching-ling tombs 1723. He d.
a prisoner in the Ching-shan enclosure, 10th
July 1732, having had issue, at least seven sons:
H.H. Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu)
Prince (Yuan Fêng Che Tzu)
Hung-sheng. Confined in the Imperial Clan
Palace 26th July 1728.
Imprisoned with his father at the
Yong-ngan Palace on King-chan mountain, 8th
July 1730.
H.E. Tsai-ling. Grand
Secretary 1877-1880. He d.
Prince Hung-ching. He d. 1777.
11) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-ch'ên, who
succeeded as H.M. Emperor Yung-ch'êng [Shih
Tsung Hien Huang Ti], Great Emperor of the Great
Ching Dynasty (s/o Dowager Empress Hsiao
Kung Jen-shou) - see below.
12) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-tsan. b.
10th April 1679 (s/o T'ung Pin).
He d. May 1680.
13) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-ch'i [Yun],
1st Prince Heng (Heng Ho Shê Ch'in
Wang). b. 5th January 1680
(s/o I-Fei), educ.
privately. He d. 11th July
1732, having had issue, five sons:
H.H. Prince (To Lo Pei Lê P'in Ki)
H.H. Prince Hung-chi, 2nd
Prince Heng (Heng Ho Shê Ch'in Wang).
He left a descendant:
Prince Yung-gao, Prince Heng.
The Noble (Yuan Fêng Yi Teng Chên
Kuo Chiang Chün) Hung-ngang.
The Noble (Fêng Ên Chiang Chün)
The Noble (Fêng Ên Chiang Chün)
14) H
H.H. Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-tso. b.
5th March 1680 (s/o Dowager
Empress Hsiao Kung Jen-shou). He d. 25th
June 1685.
Lieutenant-General H.H. Prince (HuangTzu)
Yin-yü [Tu], 1st Prince Ch'un (Ch'un
Ho Shê Ch'in Wang). b. 19th
August 1680 (s/o Ch'eng Fei), educ.
privately. Lieut-Gen. Pale Blue Banner
Corps. He d. 18th May
1730, having had issue:
H.H. Prince Hung-king [Chen], 2nd
Prince Ch'un (Ch'un To Lo Chün Wang).
The Noble (Fêng Ên Chiang Chün)
16) H.H.
Prince (Yuan Fêng Lian Ch'in Wang)
Yin-ssu. b. 29th March 1681 (s/o
Liang Fei), educ. privately.
Granted the title of ToLoPeiLê 12th April 1698, demoted 25th
December 1708 and restored 8th January
1709 1708, prom. to Ho Shê Ch'in Wang 17th
January 1723. Supervisor of State Affairs and
Presdt. Brd. of Colonial Affairs 1723-1726.
Expelled from the Imperial clan 13th
March 1726 and forced to chage his name to Acina
('cur' in Manchu). Posthumously restored to the
Imperial clan by Emperor Chien Lung. Restored to
the Imperial clan and to his original name. m.
a grand daughter of Prince Yolo. He d. in
prison, 26th September 1726, having
had issue, two sons:
Hung-wang. b. 1708. Enjoyed the
title of Prince (Chün Wang Chang Tzu)
until his father's disgrace in 1726.
Posthumously restored to the Imperial
clan in 1778. He d. 1762.
Hung-ch'eng. Restored to the Imperial
clan in 1778, and granted the title of
Prince 1782, but stripped of his ranks
and titles 1783.
17) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-yu. b.
13th September 1683 (s/o Gorolo
Kuei Jên). He d. 1683.
18) H.H.
Prince (Yuan Fêng Ku Shan Pei Tzu)
Yin-t'ang. b. 17th October 1683
(s/o I-Fei), educ.
privately. Granted the title of KuShanPeiTzu April 1709. Expelled from
the Imperial clan 13th March 1726 and
forced to chage his name to Sé-se-he June 1726,
but posthumously restored 9th February
1778. Imprisoned 1726. m. a daughter of
Chi-shih. He d. in prison at Paoting,
Chihli, 19th September 1726, having
had issue, two sons and one daughter:
TsungJi Hung-cheng.
Restored to the Imperial clan 9th
February 1778. Raised to the rank of PuJuPaFênFuKuoKung 1782 (degraded
1783). Imperial Chamberlain.
TsungJi Hung-yang.
Restored to the Imperial clan 9th
February 1778.
19) H.H
Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu P'in Ki) Yin-e. b.
28th November 1683 (s/o
Wen-hsiiKueiFei), educ.
privately. Granted the title of Tun together with
the rank of ToLoChünWang
22nd November 1709. Degraded and
Imprisoned June 1726. Released 1737 and raised to
the posthumous rank of Ku Shan Pei Tzu. He
d. 1741.
20) H.H
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-tzu. b.
8th June 1685 (s/o I-Fei).
He d. 1696.
Lieutenant-General H.H. Prince (HuangTzu)
Yin-tao [Yi], 1st Prince Li (Li Ho
Shê Ch'in Wang). b. 29th
December 1685 (s/o Ting Pin), educ.
privately. Lt-Gen. Manchu Bordered Yellow Banner
Corps 1722. He d. 2nd September
1763, having had issue:
The Noble (Chei-tzu P'in Ki)
Prince (Chün Wang Chang Tzu)
Hung-shi. He d.v.p.
22) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-Hsiang
[Hsien], 1st Prince Yi (Yi HoShêCh'inWang) and 1st
Prince Ning (Ning ToLoChünWang). b. 16th November
1686 (s/o King-Min Huang Kuei Fei),
educ. privately. Granted the title of YiHoShêCh'inWang
1723, and the additional title of NingToLoChünWang 1725, and the
posthumous right to perpetual inheritance 1775.
Presdt. Board of Revenue Mismanagement 1723,
Grand Counsellor 1729. He d. 18th
June 1730, having had issue, at least seven sons:
H.H. Prince (Yuan Fêng To Lo Pei Lê)
H.H. Prince (To Lo Pei Lê P'in Ki)
Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Fu Kuo Kung)
H.H. Prince Hung-chiao [Liang], 2nd
Prince Ning (ToLoNing
ChünWang), educ.
privately. He had issue, including a son
and four daughters:
i) H.H.
Prince Yung-ung, 3rd
Prince Ning (To Lo Ning Pei
Lê). He had issue:
Lieutenant-General H.H.
Prince Yi-ge, 3rd
Prince Ning (Ku Shan
Ning Pei Tzu). b.
1805. m. at least
two wives. He d.
1858, having had issue,
at least two sons:
Lieutenant-General H.I.H.
Prince Tsai-tun, 7th
Prince Yi (HoShêYi Ch'inWang).
b. 1827, educ.
privately. Succeeded on
the death of his father
as 4th Prince
Ning in the rank of Fêng
Ên Ning Chên Kuo Kung
1858. Allowed to succeed
his kinsman as HoShêYi Ch'inWang
in October 1864. He d.
iv) the
fourth daughter. m. 1729,
Dorji Septeng, a Mongol.
H.H. Prince (To Lo Pei Lê P'in Ki)
Prince (Pu Ju Pa Fên Fu Kuo Kung)
H.H. Prince Hung-hsiao, 2nd
Prince (Yi HoShêYi
Ch'inWang), educ.
privately. A noted poet. He d.
1778, having had issue:
i) H.H.
Prince Yung- , 3rd
Prince Yi (HoShêYi
Ch'inWang), who had
H.H. Prince Mien- ,
4th Prince Yi
who had issue:
H.H. Prince Yi- , 5th
Prince Yi (HoShêYi Ch'inWang),
who had issue:
General H.I.H. Prince
Tsai-yuan, 6th
Prince Yi (HoShêYi Ch'inWang),
educ. privately.
Ordered to commit suicide
for his failures in the
diplomatic negotiations
with the Western powers
after the war of 1860. He
d. 1861.
General H.H. Prince (HuangTzu)
Yin-t'i [Chin], 1st Prince Hsun (Hsun
ToLoChünWang). b.
10th February 1688 (s/o Dowager
Empress Hsiao Kung Jen-shou), educ.
privately. Granted the title of KuShanPeiTzu 22nd November
1709, prom. to ToLoChünWang
June 1723, demoted to the fourth rank 1726,
deprived of all his ranks and imprisoned 1st
June 1726, restored prom. to To Lo Pei Lê
1737, prom. to the third 1747, and finally
granted the title of Hsun ToLoChünWang 6th February 1748. C-in-C
of the North Western Armies (Fu-yuanTaJiang-chun) 1718-1722, Guardian of the
Ching-ling tombs 1724-1726, imprisoned at the
Shouhuangdian 1726-1735. m. (first)
Princess Wan-yan Fu Chin, daughter of
vice-minister Luocha, by whom he had two sons. m.
(a) Shushu Gioro Ts'eFu Chin,
daughter of Mingde, of the Shushu Gioro clan, a
Vice-bureau director. m. (b) Irgen Gioro Shu
Fu Chin, daughter of Xitai, by whom he had
one son. m. (c) Irgen Gioro Fu Chin,
daughter of Shih Bao, a dep. cdt. of princely
guards. m. (d) Wu Fu Chin, daughter
of Wu Changyou. He d. 17th
February 1755, having had issue, four sons:
H.H. Prince Hung-chun, 2nd
H.H. Prince (Yuan Fêng Ku Shan Pei
Tzu) T'ai. b. 1703 (s/o
Shushu), educ. privately. Degraded
1734, and deprived of all his titles
1735, but later restored. He d.
1739, having had issue:
Prince Yung- , who had
Prince Mien- , who
had issue:
General H.E. Yi-shan,
defeated by the British
forces at Kwantung 1842.
i) The
Noble (Fu Kuo Chiang Chün)
Yung-chung. b. 1st
July 1735 (s/o Wang Ts'e
Fu Jen), educ.
privately. Granted the rank of Fu
Kuo Chiang Chün 1757. Supt.
Imperial Language Sch. 1770-1776.
A celebrated poet. He d.
18th June 1793.
H.H. Prince (KuShanPeiTzu) Yung-shi. b.
1736 (s/o Hejia Fu Jen),
educ. privately. He d.
The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün)
Hung-ying (s/o Irgen Gioro Shu
Fu Chin?). Imperial Chamberlain.
The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün)
Hung-kai (s/o Wan-yan Fu Chin?).
Imperial Chamberlain and Tou-t'ong.
24) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin- b.
1691 (s/o P'ing Fei). He d.
aged two months.
25) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-wu [K'o], 1st
Prince Yü (Yü To Lo Chün Wang). b.
24th December 1693 (s/o Chun-yi
Mi Pin), educ. privately. He d.
9th March 1731, having had issue, two
H.H. Prince Hung-k'ing, 2nd
Prince Yü (Yü To Lo Chün Wang).
The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün)
26) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-lu [K'o], 3rd
Prince Chuang (Chuang HoShêCh'inWang). b. 28th July 1695
(s/o Chun-yi Mi Pin), educ.
privately. Appointed as successor to Boggodo, 2nd
Prince Chuang 11th March 1723, and
granted the additional title of Ho Shê Ch'in
Wang. Assistant to the Throne 1735, Grand
Counsellor 1735-1736. A great astronomer and
mathematician. He d. 20th March
1767, having had issue, three sons:
H.H. Prince Hung-pu, 4th
Prince Chuang (Chuang HoShêCh'inWang). He had issue:
Prince Yung- , 5th
Prince Chuang. He had issue:
H.I.H. Prince Yi-mai, 6th
Prince (ToLoChünWang)
Chuang, educ.
privately. Deprived of
his rank and banished in
1838 for smoking opium in
a nunnery.
Prince Yi-keng. A noted
historian. He had issue:
H.I.H. Prince Tsai-hsün,
9th Prince (ToLoChünWang)
Chuang, educ.
privately. Succ. 1875. A
supporter of the Boxers
in 1900. He d.
(ordered to commit
suicide), at Mukden, 21st
February 1901.
The Noble (Fu Kuo Chiang Chün)
H.H. Prince (Fêng Ên Fu Kuo Kung)
H.H. Princess Tuan-jou (Ho Shê
Tuan-jou Kung Chu). m. 1730,
Prince Chimed Dorji, son of Lobsang
Rashi, of the Korchin Mongols.
Lieutenant-General H.H. Prince (HuangTzu)
Yin-li [Yi], 1st Prince Kuo (Kuo Ho
Shê Ch'in Wang). b. 24th
March 1697 (s/o Chun-yu Ch'in Pin),
educ. privately. Granted the rank of To
Lo Chün Wang 1723, prom. to Ho Shê Ch'in
Wang 1728. Lt-Gen. Manchu Bordered Red Banner
Corps 1724, Han Bordered Blue Banner Corps, and
Mongol Bordered Blue Banner Corps 1733-1738,
Supervisor of Revenue Storehouses 1730-1733,
Minister for Revenue 1733, Controller Imperial
Clan Court 1733-1735, Assistant to the Throne
1735, Grand Counsellor 1735-1736. He d.s.p.m.
20th March 1738.
28) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-chieh
[Yun-kiai]. b. 10th September
1701 (s/o Chun-yi Mi Pin). He d.
17th October 1708.
29) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-ki. b.
25th October 1702 (s/o P'ing Fei).
He d. 1704.
30) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-tsi (s/o
Siang Pin). He d. young.
31) H.H.
Prince (To Lo Pei Lê) Yin-i. b. 1st
September 1706 (s/o Siang Pin). He
had issue, a son:
Lieutenant-General H.H. Prince (HuangTzu)
Yin-hsi, 1st Prince Shen (Shen ToLoChünWang). b. 27th
February 1711 (s/o Hi Pin), educ.
Shang-shu-fang, Forbidden City, Peking. Lt-Gen
Bordered Manchu Red Banner Corps 1733, Han Yellow
Banner Corps 1735, Manchu White Banner Corps.
1740. He d. 27th June 1758,
having had issue, a son:
Prince (Chün Wang Chang Tzu)
33) H.H.
Prince (To Lo Pei Lê) Yin-hu [Kung-k'in].
b. 1711 (s/o Kin Pin). He d.
8th March 1744, having had issue,
three sons:
H.H. Prince (Ku Shan Pei Tzu)
The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün)
Hung-sung. Sometime Fou-tou-t'ong.
The Noble (Chên Kuo Chiang Chün)
34) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-... b.
1713 (s/o Concubine Ch'en III). He d.
in infancy.
35) H.H.
Prince (To Lo Pei Lê) Yin-ch'i [Ch'eng]. b.
14th January 1713 (s/o Ching Pin),
educ. privately. He d. 31st
August 1785, having had issue:
The Noble (Fêng Kuo Chiang Chün)
Lieutenant-General H.H. Prince (HuangTzu)
Yin-pi [K'o], 1st Prince Hien (Hien
Ho Shê Ch'in Wang). b. 5th
July 1716 (s/o Mu Pin), educ.
Shang-shu-fang, Forbidden City, Peking.
Lt-Gen. Mongol Bordered White Banner Corps
1740, and Manchu White Banner Corps 1752. He d.
1773, having had issue, four sons:
H.H. Prince Hung-ch'ang [Mi], 2nd
Prince Hien (Hien Ho Shê Ch'in Wang).
He d. 3rd March 1795.
The Noble (Yuan Fêng Fu Kuo Chiang
Chün) Hung-chao.
37) H.H.
Prince (HuangTzu) Yin-yuen. b.
and d. 2nd March 1718 (s/o
Chen-chi Kuei Jen).
1) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1668 (d/o
Chang-chia). She d. 1671.
2) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1671 (d/o Tuan Pin).
She d. 1673.
3) H.H.
Princess Jung-hsien(Ho Shê Jung-hsien
KungChu). b. 1673 (d/o
Jung Fei). m. 1691, General H.H.
Prince Örgen (Ho Shê Örgen Ch'in Wang)
(d. 1721), cdr. Right Wing of the Balin
Banner Corps, second son of Prince Ocir (To Lo
Ocir Chün Wang), cdr. Right Wing of the
Bayarin Banner Corps.
4) H.H.
Princess (KungChu) b.
1674 (d/o Chang-chia). She d. 1679.
5) H.H.
Princess Tuang-ching (Ho Shê Tuang-ching KungChu). b. 19th June 1674
(d/o Jugiya). m. 1692, General H.H.
Prince Galsang (Ho Shê Galsang Ch'in Wang),
of the Uriyangkhan clan of Mongols.
6) H.H.
Princess (KungChu) K'o-ching. b.
1679 (d/o Gorolo). m. 1697, General
H.H. Dondob Dorji, Prince Khalkha (Ho Shê
Khalkha Ch'in Wang) (d. 1743),
Tüshiyetü Khan, of the Khalkha Mongols, son of
Galdan Dorji (Chakhun?).
7) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1682 (d/o Tei Fei).
She d. aged two months.
8) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1683 (d/o Hsiao-yi
Chen). She d. young.
10) H.H.
Princess Ch'un-chüeh (HoShêCh'un-chüehKungChu). b. 1685 (d/o
T'ung Pin). Styled Lady Ch'un (Ch'un Ko
Ko) during her lifetime and posthumously
prom. to HoShêCh'un-chüehKungChu. m. 1706, General
H.H. Ching-che Tu-yi Tsereng, 1st
Prince Chao-yung (ToLoChao-yungChünWang) and Prince Khalkha (HoShê Khalkha Ch'in Wang) (cre. 1731) (d.
12th March 1750), Ambassador to Russia
1727, Governor of Uliasutai, and Capt-Gen. of the
Sian Noyon khanate, a member of the Borjirgit
clan and descendant of Genghis Khan. She d.
11) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1685 (d/o Wen-his KueiFei). She d. 1686.
12) H.H.
Princess (KungChu) b.
1686 (d/o Te Fei). She d.
13) H.H.
Princess Wen (HoShêWenKungChu). b. 1687 (d/o Min Fei).
Styled Lady Wen (Wen Ko Ko) during her
early life, and later prom. to HoShêWenKungChu. m.
1706, Prince (To Lo Chün Wang) Tsangjin,
of the Orgnighud Right Flank Banner.
14) H.H.
Princess Ch'üeh-ching (HoShêCh'üeh-ching
KungChu). b. 1689 (d/o
Yüan Fei). m. Sun Ch'eng-yun (b.
1690; d. 1736), son of Sun Ssu-k'o.
15) H.H.
Princess Tun (HoShêTunKungChu). b. 1691 (d/o Min Fei).
Styled Lady Tun (Tun Ko Ko) during her
early life, and later prom. to HoShêTunKungChu. m.
1708, Dorji Taiji, of the Korchin Mongols.
16) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1695 (d/o Wang II).
She d. 1706.
17) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1698 (d/o Liu). She
d. 1700.
18) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1701 (d/o Ho Fei).
She d. in infancy.
19) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1703 (d/o Siang Pin).
She d. 1705.
20) H.H.
Princess (HoShêKungChu). b. 1708 (d/o Concubine
Niohuru II). She d. aged one month.
One of
these daughters. m. Keng Chü-chung.
daughter. m. before 1708, Prince Bandi, a
daughter (?) named Princess Ho-k'o. b.
1709. m. Dogu, Ruler of Turkistan. She d.