Piedmont, Alabama USA

Non-Denominational Bible Study Resources

"Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God,
be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen."
(1 Tim 1: 17)

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
(1 Thessalonians 4:17)

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The purpose of this site is to furnish study materials for non-denominational New Testament Christians in their ongoing search for truth, however, any others are welcome and encouraged to utilize these resources as well. Many of the links contained herein are from various religions and religious denominations which we do not support nor do we accept their doctrines. If you are not familiar with non-denominational Christianity, we urge you to learn about it today! (for a comprehensive article on 'Why Non-denominationalism?' please Click Here.)

We stand ready to assist anyone who desires to learn more of God's word. We have Bible correspondence courses, tracts, booklets, articles, all free if you are interested. Or, we are willing to correspond with you, one on one, if you prefer. Please email us if you have any question, comment, or need of assistance in your study. Please, do not go into eternity not even knowing what God requires of you. Imagine standing before God on judgement day, trying to think of some excuse for not knowing what we should have done. We have the Holy Bible, God's complete revelation of his will to men, plus we have numerous writings of Bible scholars through the ages that can assist us in knowing what we must do to be saved from our sins.


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